European Minorities

FUEN Members

Obec Slovákov v Ceskej republike

Association of Slovaks in the Czech Republic

Obec Slovákov v Ceskej republike
Chairman PhDr, Andrej Dan Bárdoš, PhD
Vocelova 602/3
CZ-120 00 Praha 2

00420 235 514 542, 00420 732 217 933

The Association of Slovaks in the Czech Republic (Obec Slovákov v Ceskej republike) was established in 1992.

The aim of the OS's activities in the Czech Republic is to maintain and develop the national awareness of its members and to create conditions for meeting their cultural and social needs.

The objectives and content of the actions are:

- Cultural, social, cognitive, sporting and other activities in individual Slovak municipalities, supporters and the public.

- Activities carried out by the Executive Council of Slovaks in the Czech Republic in cooperation with the Committees of the Regional Municipalities of the Slovaks or in cooperation with other entities, including state institutions.

- Publications.

- Presentation of Slovak culture, history, realities, important personalities, economy and sport.

- Creating an information service and environment for universal, democratic communication within and outside the Czech Republic through media and internet information.


  • Political Participation
  • Fundamental Rights
  • Linguistic Diversity
  • Solidarity with the Roma
  • European Citizens' Initiative
  • European Network
  • Forum of the European Minorities / House of Minorities


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