European Minorities

FUEN Members

Humanitarni Centar Rom Obrenovac (HC Rom)

Humanitarian Centre Rom Obrenovac

Humanitarni Centar Rom Obrenovac (HC Rom)
President Ljubiša Jovanović / Vice President Božidar Jovanović
Cara Lazara 96
RS-11500 Obrenovac

+381 11 8720930,

The Humanitarian Centre "Rom" Obrenovac was established on June 8, 1969. 

The Mission of the Humanitarian Centre "Rom" is to have influence on the happenings in the democratic transition, Roma inclusion into the economic and cultural life, as well as synchronization and social integration into institutions of the system and social community.

Long-term goals of the Humanitarian Centre "Rom" are to pledge for the protection of human and minority rights, transfering knowledge about Roma history and culture, emancipation in all spheres through the process of education, entrepreneurship development, organization of professional gatherings and seminars, cooperation with Universities and authorities for the purpose of integration of Roma people, development of democracy and tolerance and diversity respect.

Within Humanitarian Centre Rom the first Roma radio station in Serbia was initiated: Radio Rom broadcasting 24 hours a day program 

In its work to date the Humanitarian Centre Rom was engaged in resolving main existential, cultural and educational problems of Roma people. In the past period noted results were achieved in spreading literacy among adult Roma people; directing Roma children towards institutional system of education; mitigating difficult life conditions through social and humanitarian activities; improvement of Roma people health conditions; social education of Roma people – family planning; pre-school preparations of Roma children and children of IDPs from Kosovo. HC Rom Obrenovac through its activities pays special attention to fostering cultural values, customs and Roma tradition.

In its work to date the Humanitarian Centre “Rom” was engaged in resolving main existential, cultural and educational problems of Roma people. In the past period noted results were achieved in:

spreading literacy among adult Roma people

directing Roma children towards institutional system of education

mitigating difficult life conditions through socio-humanitarian activities

improvement of Roma people health conditions 

social education of Roma people – family planning

education in the field of computer usage 

pre-school preparations of Roma children and children of IDPs from Kosovo

support to returnee from the Western European countries according to readmission agreement


  • Political Participation
  • Fundamental Rights
  • Linguistic Diversity
  • Solidarity with the Roma
  • European Citizens' Initiative
  • European Network
  • Forum of the European Minorities / House of Minorities


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