7500 signatures for the MSPI in only a few days in Romania`s smallest county

- Pressemeddelelser

„I feel at home in Sepsiszentgyörgy, I feel at home in Transylvania, and I feel at home in Europe. And Europe, as well as Romania should recognize this and grant protection for the rights of autochthonous national minorities, so that we can all feel at home here”, stated FUEN President Vincze Loránt on Wednesday, 27th of September in the Transylvanian city Sepsiszentgyörgy, where he attended the official launch of the Minority SafePack petition campaign. During the press conference held for the occasion the president of the Federal Union of European Nationalities pointed out that minorities are not the problem, but that they represent the solution for Europe as the Citizen’s Initiative reinforces diversity, a core value of Europe, and strengthens the European identity.
We wish to take nothing away from the majority communities, we add to Europe’s cultural and linguistic diversity – said the FUEN President adding: „We will have reached our goal when Europe will say that it shall not stand by and watch if minority rights are infringed upon, when Europe will say, that it wants good examples of dealing with minority issues implemented in other regions as well. In the opinion of the FUEN President, due to the refugee crisis, the economic and security challenges we are facing Europe is changing, and this is why the Minority SafePack European Citizen’s Initiative is timely, as it can make sure that the protection of indigenous cultures and languages is part of that change.

Tamás Sándor, president of the county level organization of the RMDSZ, the Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania had good news to share with the FUEN president: although today was the official launch of the petition campaign, the organization already gathered 7483 signatures for the Minority SafePack Initiative within one week.

People who support the cause of cultural and linguistic diversity and equal rights for minorities support this initiative – stated Tamás Sándor. He then emphasized: „I shall make two things clear. Firstly, the problems of national minorities in Romania are far from being solved in an exemplary manner. And secondly, that in every single instance when our rights are infringed upon, we first turn to the state hoping for a solution, and, if it fails to provide one, we move on and make our case on an international level”. 

The president of the county level organization of the RMDSZ pointed out that they request nothing out of the ordinary: „We simply wish to fly the flag of our region in the centre of our city the same way the people of Bucovina, another region of Romania are freely allowed to do. Our community matters. It is powerful enough to be a contributing partner to the development of the region, and of the country. We need to clearly formulate what we wish to achieve and we need the Romanian majority to be our partner in achieving it. But we also need the support of our international partners, and the Minority SafePack Citizen’s Initiative is a good cause, a good opportunity to seek new partners”, stressed Tamás Sándor.

Prominent personas shared their views regarding the initiative at the event and signed the petition for the Minority SafePack Initiative. During the day FUEN President Vincze Loránt and President of the county level organization of the RMDSZ Tamás Sándor met with mayors and youth leaders from nearby towns to discuss the Citizen’s Initiative.

The petition for the  Minority SafePack European Citizen’s Initiative can be signed online HERE.


  • Politisk deltagelse
  • Grundlæggende rettigheder
  • Sproglig mangfoldighed
  • Solidaritet med romaerne
  • Det europæiske borgerinitiativ
  • Europæisk netværk
  • Forum for europæiske mindretal / Mindretallernes hus


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