A common message of 50 million voices and your personal stories: The winning strategy for the MSPI

- Pressemeddelelser

Great news coming from Berlin! The last few months were about intensive work for the FUEN, and the Minority SafePack Initiative’s general campaign is now on go: the Management Team of the campaign has presented their plans and ideas to the Presidium and has started the work with FUEN staff on organising the EU-level campaign.

The main topic on the agenda of the Presidium Meeting held in Berlin on September 5, was the status of the MSPI campaign: the management structure and the financial planning. A detailed plan for the collection of signatures needed in each Member State was presented and agreed upon. The conclusions will be shared individually with every concerned member organisation. 

As an organisation we start the the campaign with full speed. We will have the one million signatures and the new legal fight that is ahead of us will not stop us from our main objective, the collection of signatures.

The contribution of FUEN’s member organisations, regions and partners is crucial in raising the one million signatures. You will be the only ones able to gather the much needed signatures from your communities and supporters. Every European citizen belonging to a national minority or language group needs to identify himself with the MSPI core message, that it serves his/her community`s best interest and that it is an investment in the life of the future generations. Citizens belonging to the majority need to realize that the Initaitive does not take away anything from them.

The Campaign Team will provide much needed information and useful tools, share best practices and winning strategies with you. The FUEN Presidium and the Members of the Citizens' Committee will be available for visits in the member states. Nevertheless you are the ones who need to tell your own stories and messages, to show your community that the MSPI is an initiative that can improve the everyday life of your community and of the 50 million European Union citizens belonging to autochthonous minorities or language groups.

As a sneak preview of what’s about to come, please check out our new website at minority-safepack.eu, where you can unlock one of the greatest secrets of Europe and get to know some touching stories from different minority regions. The new tool for signatures from non-EU members states is also accessible, as the solidarity of our communities remains the biggest asset of the Initiative. Check it out and find out how the MSPI can help you and your community!

Let’s raise our voices, let Europe hear the call for our rights!


  • Politisk deltagelse
  • Grundlæggende rettigheder
  • Sproglig mangfoldighed
  • Solidaritet med romaerne
  • Det europæiske borgerinitiativ
  • Europæisk netværk
  • Forum for europæiske mindretal / Mindretallernes hus


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