
- Pressemeddelelser - Annual Meeting of the Working Group of German Minorities (AGDM) 2014 in Berlin

The 23rd Annual Meeting of the Working Group of German Minorities (AGDM: Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutscher Minderheiten) in FUEN will take place in Berlin from 26-28 November 2014.

The AGDM normally meets once a year. At the annual meeting, all the German minorities are invited and they are offered the opportunity for exchange, for informing one another and for entering into dialogue with decision makers.

In the photo: Participants of the AGDM meeting in 2012


  • Politisk deltagelse
  • Grundlæggende rettigheder
  • Sproglig mangfoldighed
  • Solidaritet med romaerne
  • Det europæiske borgerinitiativ
  • Europæisk netværk
  • Forum for europæiske mindretal / Mindretallernes hus


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