Award-event for the youth video challenge

- Pressemeddelelser

Last Saturday, 01.04.2017, the award-event for the youth video challenge „CAMERA OBSCURA NUMERUS MINOR“ was held in the Office of the „House of Minorities“. The three best videos were awarded under the theme Building Bridges Together and #DiversityConnects.

1. place went to „The Puzzle of Youth“, a video created by the youth of the border region (Paul Moßner & Matti Ullrich).

2. place went to the video „Uleve“, which tells the story oft he Cimbrian Minority in Italy.
3. place went to „HMO“, produced by the youth of the Russian Germans in the Kemerover region.
The jury consisted of Christopher Warnke (Chairman of the Danish Cultural Youth Association – Grænseforeningen Ungdom), Olga Martens (FUEN Vice-president), and Britta Tästensen (president of the YEN).

The Minority Commissioner Renate Schnack received the prize money from Grænseforeningen and awarded it to FUEN for a cultural youth project. A big thanks to the president of the YEN, Britta Tästensen, for a successful execution of the event.

We are honoured about the presence of the following guests:
Minority Commissioner Renate Schnack
City President Swetlana Krätzschmar
General Secretary of the Grænseforeningen Knud-Erik Therkelsen
FUEN Vice-president Gösta Toft
FUEN Vice-president Dieter Paul Küssner
FUEN Secretary General Susann Schenk
Chairman of the MSPI citizens’ committee and FUEN Honorary President Hans Heinrich Hansen

We also took the opportunity to celebrate the registration of the Minority SafePack Initiative – the European Citizens Initiative for Minorities in Europe.

The three winners can be seen together with Olga Martens, Swetlana Krätzschmar, Renate Schnack, and Britta Tästensen on the photo below.


  • Politisk deltagelse
  • Grundlæggende rettigheder
  • Sproglig mangfoldighed
  • Solidaritet med romaerne
  • Det europæiske borgerinitiativ
  • Europæisk netværk
  • Forum for europæiske mindretal / Mindretallernes hus


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