EUROPEADA 2016: Draw for the quarter-finals

- News

The draw for the matches of the quarter-finals will take place on Wednesday 22 June 2016 at the beginning of the Cultural Day at Museum Ladin, in San Martin de Tor / St. Martin in Thurn at 10:30 hr.

All the team leaders are very much invited to attend this draw.

For the women the semi-final pairings are already known: the Occitans play in Pfalzen against the Ladins in the first semi-final. The Germans in Russia play in Sand in Taufers against the South Tyroleans. And in Mühlwald the Lusatian Sorbs and Romansh play for the places five and six. All the games will start at 11:00 hr.

Extract from the Book of rules:

Men’s tournament: The six group winners and the two best group runners-up qualify for the quarter-final. The quarter-final pairings will be drawn, with the teams divided into two draw pots. The first pot will contain the winners of the four groups from which the two runners-up have not qualified, and the second pot will contain the winners of the other groups and the runners-up who qualified.

The other teams will compete for the places nine to twenty-four, whereby the pairings will be decided on the basis of the placements in the group phase.

Women’s tournament: The two group winners play against the runners-up from the other group in the semi-final, with the winners going through to the final and the losers playing one another for third and fourth places. The teams taking third place after the group matches will play for places five and six.

[Book of rules, Article 3.3]


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