Reminder - Expression of Interest for hosting the FUEN Congress 2019

- Pressemeddelelser

The FUEN Congress in May 2017 is fast approaching.

However, before we get this far, we are looking for the FUEN Congress 2019 host.

Please send the application to FUEN, by email to, no later than 05.05.2017.

The FUEN assembly of delegation will thereafter make their decision on the 20.05.2017.

We are looking forward to hearing from you and hoping for great response.


Expression of interest


  • Politisk deltagelse
  • Grundlæggende rettigheder
  • Sproglig mangfoldighed
  • Solidaritet med romaerne
  • Det europæiske borgerinitiativ
  • Europæisk netværk
  • Forum for europæiske mindretal / Mindretallernes hus


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