FUEN celebrating German culture and 25 years of IVDK in Moscow

- Pressemeddelelser

The Germans in Russia are celebrating the 25th anniversary since the establishment of the International Association for German Culture (Internationaler Verband der Deutschen Kultur – IVDK) between October 28 and 30. The representative of the Russian Federation’s President Vladimir Putin Mihail Magomedow, the minister for national minorities of the Russian Government Igor Barinow, the Ambassador of Germany Rüdiger Freiherr von Fritsch and many officials and partners congratulated the biggest German organisation with their anniversary. On behalf of the FUEN, President Loránt Vincze praised the German community in Russia for successfully overcoming so many challenges and for defending their language,  religion and community life so strongly during these years.

In his speech, President Vincze remembered that: “25 years ago many things had changed in Europe: two years before, the Iron Curtain had fallen, the Soviet Union broke up and national minorities were given a new chance to express their identity, to protect their language and culture. Among many other communities, whose identities had been suppressed, the Germans of the post-soviet countries took the chance and the IVDK was established.”  He congratulated Heinrich Martens for the results he achieved as IVDK President and the solidarity that he has shown towards other minorities. He also thanked FUEN Vice President Olga Martens’s for her personal commitment and work in coordinating the Working Group of German Minorities inside FUEN (AGDM) and its Berlin office, on behalf of the Presidium.

President Vincze recalled that history was never too kind to smaller ethnic groups, which easily became targets during wars and repressive regimes, and the Germans of Russia were one of these victims. “Despite massive emigration, Russian Germans have proven that they are one of the nations of Russia, well integrated, with multiple identities, mostly bilingual, part of the Russian history and culture, with deep roots in the German Fatherland and in Mother Russia! That is determination.” – he said, adding that recent history shows that there has been an effective and constructive dialogue between the state representatives and the minorities in Russia.

“Russia’s rich linguistic and cultural heritage makes it one of the culturally most vibrant and dynamic societies. I believe the Germans in Russia are one of the crown jewels of Russia in that sense. A heritage which needs to be appreciated and protected.” – continued Mr Vincze, mentioning also the need for Russia to ratify the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages and the need to update the state report on the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities.

The President of the FUEN concluded his speech saying: We all know that the region’s history, the burden of communism does not offer us many good models, on the contrary. We should learn from the history about what to leave behind, and implement new ways and means for cooperation and dialogue!” As a final message Mr Vincze wishes that the German communities will never lose their determination, hardworking spirit and commitment to fight for their language and culture.


  • Politisk deltagelse
  • Grundlæggende rettigheder
  • Sproglig mangfoldighed
  • Solidaritet med romaerne
  • Det europæiske borgerinitiativ
  • Europæisk netværk
  • Forum for europæiske mindretal / Mindretallernes hus


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