FUEN welcomes the new OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities, Mr Lamberto Zannier

- Pressemeddelelser

The Federal Union of European Nationalities (FUEN) welcomes the appointment of the new High Commissioner on National Minorities, Mr Lamberto Zannier, by the Permanent Council of the Organization for Security and Cooperation (OSCE) today. Mr Zannier was the Secretary General of the OSCE during the past six years and has long-time experience in different international organisations, including the NATO, United Nations and also with the European Union.

FUEN President Loránt Vincze expressed his satisfaction that the OSCE has been able to reach consensus on the appointment of a new High Commissioner on National Minorities. “It was unusual that the position of the High Commissioner was vacant for a whole year. The office is particularly important for the minorities in Europe, since it contributes to the cooperation and in identifying long lasting solutions in problematic regions. The High Commissioner certainly will have a lot to catch-up. The FUEN is ready to work closely with him” – stated Loránt Vincze.

FUEN is looking forward to working together with the new High Commissioner Zannier and his team and to continue the good cooperation with the office of the High Commissioner which has been established over the past years. Zannier’s predecessor Astrid Thors was the keynote speaker at the FUEN Congress in 2016. Within FUEN, there are many positive examples of coexistence between minorities and majorities that can serve as inspiration for solving conflict situations. And where relations between and about minorities are escalating, FUEN counts on the attention, commitment and intervention of the High Commissioner.

The office of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities acts as an instrument of conflict prevention at the earliest possible stage. This involves containing and de-escalating tensions involving national minorities within the OSCE area and alerting the OSCE to risks by providing early warning and early action where a situation has the potential to turn into a conflict. The High Commissioner acts in confidence and independently of all parties concerned, although his speeches, news and publications are available to the public. 

More information:
Press release by the Chairperson in Office

Photo: OSCE


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