New edition of the Handbook on National Minorities in Europe presented at the Culture Day in St. Martin in Thurn

- Pressemeddelelser

During the Culture Day of the EUROPEADA, the European football championship of the autochthonous, national minorities, the second edition of the book “National Minorities in Europe - Handbook Volume I” was presented in the Museum Ladin Ćiastel de Tor. 

The successful reference work which was published in German in 2000 for the first time and translated into English in 2003, has been updated. The new director of the South Tyrolean Institute of Ethnic Groups, Prof. Paul Videsott, collaborated with the two authors of the previous version of the handbook, the former FUEN President Prof. Christoph Pan und Dr. Beate Sibylle Pfeil.

The core of the handbook remains its charts, graphs and maps regarding the minorities in the European states. This constitutes a systematic, empirically based quantitative overview. Among experts the handbook is regarded as a reference work, also the FUEN has used it frequently as a source, e.g. for the Language Diversity Map, the Map of Minorities & Regional and Minority Languages in Europe.

Moreover, the handbook offers several new articles about different aspects of minority questions in Europe, e.g. language policy, the political organisation of minorities and the role of the economy.  

Photo below:

(from left to right) Frank de Boer, Susann Schenk, Daniel Alfreider und Bernhard Ziesch (all FUEN), member of the provincial government Martha Stocker, authors Paul Videsott und Christoph Pan of the South Tyrolean Institute of Ethnic Groups und Gösta Toft (FUEN).


  • Politisk deltagelse
  • Grundlæggende rettigheder
  • Sproglig mangfoldighed
  • Solidaritet med romaerne
  • Det europæiske borgerinitiativ
  • Europæisk netværk
  • Forum for europæiske mindretal / Mindretallernes hus


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