One million European citizens for the Minority SafePack Initiative

- Pressemeddelelser

According to the numbers tallied by the FUEN one million statements of support have been signed for the Minority SafePack Initiative. This estimate is based on the online signatures added up with the number of signatures collected on paper forms by the FUEN’s member organisations and partners. The paper forms have not all been verified by our team yet, thus we need to remind everyone: this is not an official result, only an estimate. It is therefore paramount that we continue the  petition campaign until the final deadline on Tuesday, 3 April at 23:59.  We can only be sure about the success of the Minority SafePack Initiative when we will have comfortably passed the one million signature threshold. 

“We created a European movement for minority rights and I am grateful to everyone who organised, endorsed and signed our initiative. However, we ought to not start celebrating just yet. We will continue gathering signatures until the last minute. Every signature matters and every signature shows the power of your community. I would like to ask everyone to sign and share” – stated FUEN president Loránt Vincze.

Ten states – Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, Latvia, Spain, Denmark, Croatia, Bulgaria, Lithuania and Slovenia – have reached the national threshold. Italy, Austria and Poland also have good chances for passing this threshold.

The final results will be communicated by the FUEN on Wednesday, 4 April, at 10.00, at a press conference organized at the House of Minorities in Flensburg and at the RMDSZ’s headquarters in Cluj, Kolozsvár. The events will be broadcast live on the Minority SafePack Facebook page.

According to the FUEN the high number of signatures gathered in the EU for the national minorities sends a strong message: the EU must recognize and protect the autochthonous national minorities and language groups. The success of the initiative goes beyond the FUEN member organisations, it became a Europe-wide movement of citizens asking for real linguistic and cultural diversity.


  • Politisk deltagelse
  • Grundlæggende rettigheder
  • Sproglig mangfoldighed
  • Solidaritet med romaerne
  • Det europæiske borgerinitiativ
  • Europæisk netværk
  • Forum for europæiske mindretal / Mindretallernes hus


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