The wave of refugees requires serious efforts towards creating peace

- Pressemeddelelser

The Federal Union of European Nationalities (FUEN) and the Youth of European Nationalities (YEN) express their solidarity with the refugees, who are currently coming to the European Union. The current refugee wave is a situation that has to be solved by the European society as a whole and requires solidarity and help from all European states. It poses a fully new challenge for the community of states, consisting of both intangible and material challenges.

The Presidium stands united: “A strong humanitarian effort is imperative, and local action is key in order to guarantee respect for human dignity.” The members of the Presidium and staff of FUEN Hans Heinrich Hansen, Martha Stocker, Dieter Küssner, Bernhard Ziesch, Halit Habipoglu, Lorant Vincze, Olga Martens, Susann Schenk, Eva Penzes, Frank de Boer and Matic Germovšek Ž., the President of the Youth of European Nationalities (YEN) come from Germany, Denmark, South Tyrol, Austria, Slovenia, Hungary, Romania, the Netherlands and Greece.

With more than 90 member organisations across Europe, FUEN is the largest representative organisation of the autochthonous national minorities.


“The solidarity shown by our member organisations is impressive and we call on all of you to continue with your actions”, the Presidium of FUEN and YEN agree. “It is extraordinary how people provide support. We support the efforts of our member organisations locally and call on the states in Europe to provide help wherever they can.”

FUEN is of the opinion that it is just as necessary – additional to all the humanitarian efforts – that Europe together with Russia, the United States, the Gulf states, Turkey and other countries start working on politically effective and lasting solutions for peace. These solutions should allow people to organise their own life in peace and dignity and under acceptable social and economic conditions in their own home country.

We demand from European politicians that they take serious and resolute measures to arrive at lasting peaceful solutions. 

We consider that the question in regard to what consequences the refugee policies will effectively have on minority policy in Europe and on the situation of the autochthonous minorities in Europe, who for a major part are members of FUEN and YEN, currently must play a lesser role. First of all the question of peace shall be on the top of the agenda. The Presidium is aware, though, that the current refugee wave will have its effect on the situation of minorities and minority policies in Europe.

However, FUEN expresses its hope that the resolution of this major challenge, that brings together a great many nationalities, also creates an opportunity to develop a new perspective on the issue of minority protection in Europe as well. 

Joint Statement of FUEN and YEN on the refugee crisis in Europe




  • Politisk deltagelse
  • Grundlæggende rettigheder
  • Sproglig mangfoldighed
  • Solidaritet med romaerne
  • Det europæiske borgerinitiativ
  • Europæisk netværk
  • Forum for europæiske mindretal / Mindretallernes hus


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