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2020 - The special jubilee in Carinthia/ Koroska and the german-danisch border region

The EUROPEADA - the football championship of the autochthonous national minorities will take place for the 4th time in 2020.

The Federal Union of European Nationalities (FUEN) has sent a call for applications to host the European football festival to its Member Organisations. At its meeting on 17 March in Berlin, the FUEN Presidium received two expressions of interest.

The following applicants are competing to host the championship:

• The German-Danish border region (Region Sønderjylland-Schleswig) with all the four minorities living in the area, with the motto "The EUROPEADA 2020 between the North Sea and the Baltic Sea – the cross-border football festival"


• The Carinthian Slovenes with the motto "The EUROPEADA 2020 in Carinthia/Koroška – TOGETHER UNIQUE/SKUPNO ENKRATNI we celebrate the uniqueness of our diversity"

"The EUROPEADA is a major European event. FUEN would like to thank the both strong applications, both of them showing the enthusiasm for the EUROPEADA and both applicants are also celebrating jubilees in 2020. We are looking forward to a fair competition and the awareness, which the minorities will receive already during the application phase", says FUEN Secretary General Susann Schenk.

The application process includes the submitting of the complete application documents by 30 April 2017 and a presentation during the FUEN Congress 2017 in Cluj-Napoca • Kolozsvár • Klausenburg, Romania.  At the FUEN Assembly of Delegates on 21 May 2017 will be decided, who will be hosting the EUROPEADA 2020.

The EUROPEADA 2020 will then take place early summer in the chosen region.


Objective of the application of the German-Danish border region:

In 2020 the Danish minority in Germany and the German minority in Denmark will be celebrating their 100th birthdays, both of them resulted from the redefined border in 1920.  

This new demarcation emerged from a peaceful process, which shall be celebrated as well. It is also a celebration of the fact that the relationship between the minorities, majorities and the various languages in the German-Danish border regions has evolved over the past century from a situation of against one another to next to one another to with one another to for one another. 

Within the framework of the EUROPEADA 2020, all four minorities of the German-Danish border region, the Danish minority in Germany, the German minority in Denmark, the North Frisians in Germany and Sinti and Roma in Schleswig-Holstein, would like to invite Europe’s minorities to celebrate our 100th anniversary with us through football. EUROPEADA 2020 between the North Sea and the Baltic Sea – the cross-border football festival. 

Objective of the application of the Carinthian Slovenes

"TOGETHER UNIQUE" is the motto of the EUROPEADA 2020 in Carinthia / Koroška. Let us celebrate together the uniqueness of our diversity in Europe.

With the uniting power of sport, bridges are built in Carinthia / Koroška, the meeting point of three languages: between minorities and neighbouring countries - between you and me. Through hosting the EUROPEADA, the identity of the Slovenian national minority will be strengthened and the German-speaking population in the country will be more aware of the minority issues. Raising awareness of the linguistic minorities in Europe and providing them with an environment of networking, is the focus of the European football championship of the European minorities.

Regarding the 100th anniversary of the Carinthian plebiscite 1920, EUROPEADA will contribute to raising awareness for a common diverse Europe.

Let us experience a unique sporting event together: "TOGETHER UNIQUE."



EUROPEADA is a major European event that connects the fair competition and the enthusiasm for a sporting event with the interests of the autochthonous national minorities. The focus is on the encounter, the exchange of minorities and the public promotion. FUEN is the organiser of the EUROPEADA.

After the three successful European football championships of the autochthonous national minorities, hosted by the Romansh people in Grisons/Switzerland in 2008, the Lusatian Sorbs in Germany in 2012 and the German-speaking South Tyroleans and the Ladins in South Tyrol/Italy in 2016,  the Federal Union of European Nationalities (FUEN) is looking for the host of the 4th  EUROPEADA in 2020.

The tournament is open for teams of members of minorities from non-professional football leagues. The EUROPEADA will be an excellent opportunity for the host to present the minority and region to the European and domestic audience. 


  • Politisk deltagelse
  • Grundlæggende rettigheder
  • Sproglig mangfoldighed
  • Solidaritet med romaerne
  • Det europæiske borgerinitiativ
  • Europæisk netværk
  • Forum for europæiske mindretal / Mindretallernes hus


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