European Minorities
FUEN Members
საერთო სამოქალაქო მოძრაობა - მრავალეროვანი საქართველო
Public Movement Multinational Georgia

2 entr., 117 D.Uznadze Str.
GE-0102 Tbilisi
+995 32910557
NGO working on protection of ethnic, linguistic and religious minorities' rights and development of tolerance in Georgia
• Mobilization of the representatives of the vulnerable groups, in particular ethnic, linguistic and religious minorities, their capacity building and promotion of consolidation for active and qualitative participation
• Promotion of the implementation of the international human rights standards and establishment of the rule of law
• Introduction and development of diversity, tolerance and aspiration for peace as norms of society life
Union “Public Movement “Multinational Georgia” – umbrella organization which provides resource and expert support and protects interests of the representatives of the 18 minority communities and 56 grass-root NGOs working in the field of protection of rights of ethnic, religious and linguistic groups residing in Georgia.
The main directions of the PMMG activities are:
• Promotion, protection of rights and development of potential of the vulnerable groups, first of all ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities and creation of conditions for their active participation at the all levels
• Transformation of conflicts, establishment of peace and civil accord
• Monitoring of human rights standards and protection of the human rights defenders
• Democratic transformations and European values
• Local self government and development of local communities
• Development of the intercultural dialogue and exchange, in line with harmonization of the interethnic relations in the society