“Denmark has to be one of the countries to reach the threshold for the MSPI!”

“Denmark has to be one of the countries to reach the threshold for the MSPI!”

Communiqués de presse

The position of the FUEN regarding the assault of the headquarters of the Hungarian minority organisation in Ukraine

The position of the FUEN regarding the assault of the headquarters of the Hungarian minority organisation in Ukraine

Communiqués de presse

All parties in the Basque Parliament encourage citizens to sign the MSPI

All parties in the Basque Parliament encourage citizens to sign the MSPI

Communiqués de presse

Loránt Vincze: The EC and the EP also share the responsibility of the success of the Citizen’s Initiative

Loránt Vincze: The EC and the EP also share the responsibility of the success of the Citizen’s Initiative

Communiqués de presse

The European Foundation of Human Rights campaigns in Lithuania for the MSPI

The European Foundation of Human Rights campaigns in Lithuania for the MSPI

Communiqués de presse

Minority SafePack in Catalunya: all European languages should be equal!

Minority SafePack in Catalunya: all European languages should be equal!

Communiqués de presse

The project “Minorities in Western Balkans” concluded with Final Conference in Skopje

The project “Minorities in Western Balkans” concluded with Final Conference in Skopje

Communiqués de presse

FUEN’s Media Forum: We disseminate identity

FUEN’s Media Forum: We disseminate identity

Communiqués de presse

Over 600,000 people signed the petition for the Minority Safepack Initiative

Over 600,000 people signed the petition for the Minority Safepack Initiative

Communiqués de presse

Politics and Media for Minorities: Media forum organised by FUEN in Berlin

Politics and Media for Minorities: Media forum organised by FUEN in Berlin

Communiqués de presse


  • Participations politiques
  • Droits fondamentaux
  • Diversité linguistique
  • Solidarité avec les Roms
  • L’Initiative citoyenne européenne
  • Réseau internet européen
  • Forum européen des communautés, minorités et nationalités / Maison des minorités et nationalités européennes


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