Parliament hearing on Minority SafePack in Copenhagen

Parliament hearing on Minority SafePack in Copenhagen

Communiqués de presse

A new boost for the European Citizens Initiative:

A new boost for the European Citizens Initiative:


FUEN thanks all for their support for the Minority SafePack Initiative

FUEN thanks all for their support for the Minority SafePack Initiative

Communiqués de presse

Award-event for the youth video challenge

Award-event for the youth video challenge

Communiqués de presse

Rie Saalfeldt joined the FUEN team in Flensburg as the new Office Manager

Rie Saalfeldt joined the FUEN team in Flensburg as the new Office Manager

Communiqués de presse

Green light for the Minority SafePack Initiative

Green light for the Minority SafePack Initiative

Communiqués de presse

FUEN paid a study visit to Kiev

FUEN paid a study visit to Kiev

Communiqués de presse

FUEN delegation calls for a strong cooperation between minority organizations in Ukraine

FUEN delegation calls for a strong cooperation between minority organizations in Ukraine

Communiqués de presse

FUEN critical towards the new administrative regulation in Brandenburg

FUEN critical towards the new administrative regulation in Brandenburg

Communiqués de presse

FUEN Congress 2017 - Registration

FUEN Congress 2017 - Registration

Communiqués de presse


  • Participations politiques
  • Droits fondamentaux
  • Diversité linguistique
  • Solidarité avec les Roms
  • L’Initiative citoyenne européenne
  • Réseau internet européen
  • Forum européen des communautés, minorités et nationalités / Maison des minorités et nationalités européennes


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