Wrocław/Breslau is waiting for you

Wrocław/Breslau is waiting for you

Communiqués de presse - FUEN Congress in the European Capital of Culture

Election-Assembly of Delegates 2016 is just around the corner

Election-Assembly of Delegates 2016 is just around the corner

Communiqués de presse

FUEN meets with Mohammad Darawshe, Richard von Weizsäcker Fellow of the Robert-Bosch-Foundation

FUEN meets with Mohammad Darawshe, Richard von Weizsäcker Fellow of the Robert-Bosch-Foundation


FUEN congratulates Bernhard Ziesch with his 65th birthday

FUEN congratulates Bernhard Ziesch with his 65th birthday


FUEN speaks at conference about diasporas in the European Parliament

FUEN speaks at conference about diasporas in the European Parliament


Congratulations Renate! Renate Schnack, the Minority Commission of Schleswig-Holstein, receives prize

Congratulations Renate! Renate Schnack, the Minority Commission of Schleswig-Holstein, receives prize


FUEN condemns the court decision prohibiting the activities of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People

FUEN condemns the court decision prohibiting the activities of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People

Communiqués de presse

Survey about the abilities of national minorities as bridge-builders

Survey about the abilities of national minorities as bridge-builders


OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities celebrates the Education Rights of National Minorities

OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities celebrates the Education Rights of National Minorities

Communiqués de presse


  • Participations politiques
  • Droits fondamentaux
  • Diversité linguistique
  • Solidarité avec les Roms
  • L’Initiative citoyenne européenne
  • Réseau internet européen
  • Forum européen des communautés, minorités et nationalités / Maison des minorités et nationalités européennes


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