Conference in the Italian Parliament on autonomy and diversity

- Communiqués de presse

FUEN will participate at a conference in the Italian Parliament on “autonomy and diversity – the challenge of multiculturalism in Italy and in the world”. The conference, organised by the Group of Linguistic Minorities in the Italian Parliament, IsAG (Institute for Studies of Geopolitics and Foreign Sciences) and FUEN, will compare statutes of autonomy and ways of interethnic and interreligious coexistence and models of multi-nation federalism in the world. The aim is to understand the Italian tradition of autonomy and to find out what can be learnt from experiences made in other parts of the world.

Among the participants of the conference will be FUEN President Loránt Vincze and FUEN Vice President Daniel Alfreider, who is a Member of the Italian Parliament. Together with representatives from, and experts on e.g. the Arctic region, Kazakhstan, Kurdistan, Switzerland, Serbia, Russia, Québec (Canada) and India they will analyse the strengths of the models used in Italy and in the world.

Flyer about the conference (in Italian)

Source picture: Gobbler at wikivoyage shared, CC BY-SA 3.0


  • Participations politiques
  • Droits fondamentaux
  • Diversité linguistique
  • Solidarité avec les Roms
  • L’Initiative citoyenne européenne
  • Réseau internet européen
  • Forum européen des communautés, minorités et nationalités / Maison des minorités et nationalités européennes


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