Discussion on the future of the Minority SafePack Initiative held in the Hungarian Parliament

- Communiqués de presse

The FUEN Presidium, the Parliament of Hungary, political parties from the state and representatives of minorities living in Hungary as well as of the Hungarian communities living outside of the country’s borders discussed the steps that are to be taken after the successful petition campaign for the Minority SafePack European Citizen’s Initiative. The event organised in the building of the Hungarian National Assembly on Friday by the HUNINEU Foundation, the Rákóczi Szövetség and the FUEN was opened by the Speaker of the Parliament of Hungary, László Kövér.

“Hungarians have ‘over two million reasons’ to fight for their rights after, in 1920, borders were redrawn over the heads of three out of every ten of us. Today, over two million Hungarians living outside of the borders of the country have restricted rights in the state they were born in”, said the Speaker of the Parliament. He stressed the importance of a principle and European perspective saying: equal rights for minorities is an issue of key importance to the European democracy.

"If the European Union fails to provide enforceable rights, equity and equality to fifty million of its citizens belonging to an autochthonous national minority, then European democracy itself will have failed, and talking about the protection of other minorities would be mere hypocrisy", stated László Kövér.

The Speaker of the Parliament of Hungary thanked the FUEN and the RMDSZ for elaborating and launching the initiative for the protection of minority rights. He then reminded: the Hungarian state and political parties in the country have regarded this matter as an issue worthy of cross-party cooperation.

“The FUEN Presidium expresses its gratitude for the unprecedented solidarity minorities in Europe have shown by rallying behind this initiative. We must ensure this unity will continue, and I believe that the measures that are to be taken as a result of the MSPI will be capable of embodying this solidarity”, stated FUEN President Loránt Vincze, adding that in his opinion the success of the petition campaign was an historic moment.

Loránt Vincze added: an EU level legislative framework for the protection of autochthonous national minorities is a common goal. Since there is no regulation in this regard to speak of, every small step in the right direction achieved via this initiative will be a success, and they will do everything possible to make sure there will be many successes – he pointed out. Loránt Vinczesaid: the minority umbrella organisation has limited possibilities, and will therefore seek professional, diplomatic and legal aid in lobbying at an EU level to further the cause of minority protection in Europe. Hence, he added, the roles of national parliaments, governments and diplomacy will become increasingly important in the upcoming period. “Hungary has been our partner in this initiative from the very beginning and I am confident that it will continue to champion this cause. We are immensely grateful for this” – expressed the president of the European minority umbrella organisation.

In his opinion there will be a great amount of work to be done in the next weeks, as the elements of the Citizen’s Initiative need to be turned into legislative proposals. European experts will need to take the 9 points proposed in the Minority SafePack Initiative and formulate them into draft-regulations.

“During the petition campaign, autochthonous national minority communities in Europe have clearly stated a need for an EU level legislative framework to protect their rights. We intend to lay down the basis for this framework. The EU has to provide answers to the specific and very serious issues presented all across the continent during the campaign for the MSPI. I ask for your help in protecting the future of minorities in Europe”, addressed Loránt Vincze those present at the discussion.

The conclusions of the petition campaign in Hungary were drawn by Csongor Csáky, Secretary General of the Rákóczi Szövetség, the organisation responsible for coordinating the national campaign. Deputy State Secretary for National Policy Péter Szilágyi talked about the responsibilities and undertakings of the Hungarian government regarding the initiative.

At the event, speeches were held by the Executive Vice-president of the RMDSZ representing the Hungarian minority in Romania László Bodor, who was also coordinator of the European petition campaign for the MSPI, President of the Hungarian Civic Party in Romania, Zsolt Bíró,Péter Őry from the Hungarian Coalition Party in Slovakia, President of the political organisation representing the Hungarians in Vojvodina VMSZ István Pásztor, President of the organisation representing the Hungarian minority in Ukraine KMKSZ József Barta, President of the organisation representing Hungarians in Prekmurje, Slovenia Ferenc Horváth,and Executive President of the organisation of Hungarians in Croatia Olivér Matijevic. Member of the Hungarian Parliament representing the German community Imre Ritter, and Serbian spokespersonAlexov Lyubomir and Zoltán Szabó presented the position of national minorities in Hungary.

Leader of the FIDESZ group in the Hungarian Parliament Gergely Gulyás, Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the Hungarian Parliament Zsolt Németh, and Imre Vejkey from the KDNP faction as well as Jobbik MP István Szávay presented their opinions during the discussion.

Following the comments of the members of the FUEN Presidium, President of the steering board of the HUNINEU Foundation Klára Pappné Farkas held the closing remarks.




  • Participations politiques
  • Droits fondamentaux
  • Diversité linguistique
  • Solidarité avec les Roms
  • L’Initiative citoyenne européenne
  • Réseau internet européen
  • Forum européen des communautés, minorités et nationalités / Maison des minorités et nationalités européennes


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