ECMI and FUEN are developing a new project proposal for the Western Balkans

- Communiqués de presse

Based on an initiative of the State Chancellery of Schleswig-Holstein, ECMI (the European Centre for Minority Issues) and FUEN are developing a new project proposal for the Western Balkans. With this project they will apply for funding from the new German pilot programme “new forms of economic cooperation in technical cooperation” of the German Federal Republic and its lands managed by the Federal Ministry for Economical Cooperation and Development (BMZ). The process of developing the project is supported by GIZ.

The purpose of the project is to use the specific expertise available in the different federal lands in Germany for development cooperation. “The Land of Schleswig-Holstein is proud of its minorities and the two institutions ECMI and FUEN that work internationally and are located here in Flensburg. The Land of Schleswig-Holstein wants to make a contribution to the German federal programme by using the available expertise in civic conflict prevention and in minority and human rights policy”, says Linda Pieper of the Schleswig-Holstein State Chancellery.

The project, which focuses on the Roma, aims at participatory and social empowerment. The primary objective is to share the experiences in the German-Danish border region. Both partners are of the opinion that there are already many programmes and projects in the Western Balkans and they see it as their task to work directly with the minorities.  

Both ECMI and FUEN will make their contribution to the project with their specific expertise. The project will entail trainings and also a study visit in the German-Danish border region. With the project “Minorities helping minorities – Solidarity with the Roma”, FUEN has already a list of possible actions. FUEN will also build on the contacts it has within its network and also would like to involve YEN (Youth of European Nationalities) in the project. Since 2001, ECMI has had a field office in Kosovo from where it manages several projects and programmes.

The project proposal is currently being prepared and will be submitted by the end of February. The decision will be announced by the end of April.


Photo above: the meeting in the House of Minorities with from left to right: Julia Iversen (GIZ), Astrid Voss (ECMI), Sarika Amruth (GIZ), Tove Malloy (ECMI), Zora Popova (ECMI), Linda Pieper (State Chancellery Schleswig-Holstein),  Susann Schenk (FUEN), Dieter Paul Küssner (FUEN), Frank de Boer (FUEN). Moderator Inga Niere (GIZ) is not on the photo. 


  • Participations politiques
  • Droits fondamentaux
  • Diversité linguistique
  • Solidarité avec les Roms
  • L’Initiative citoyenne européenne
  • Réseau internet européen
  • Forum européen des communautés, minorités et nationalités / Maison des minorités et nationalités européennes


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