OPEN LETTER - FUEN-president Hans Heinrich Hansen

- Communiqués de presse

Dear friends!

I thank you all for all the positive reactions we received after we were informed about the rejection of our citizens’ initiative, unfortunately.

I have been in the presidium of the FUEN for 19 years, and never the minorities have been so close together. There is strong support – thank you all. You show that we are on the right track with our proposed citizens’ initiative, which aims at enforcing the rights of the minorities.We must make clear to the European Commission and the European Parliament that we are solidly united. 

We must act politically and once again seek advice from experts in order to rebut the legal arguments of the European Commission. We cannot simply allow the Commission to reject our goals, but we have to stand up unequivocally for our rights, together with all those governments, MEPs and decision makers who are on our side. And we should do so on the regional, national and on the European level. 

Although it is a setback in respect to our strategic planning, we have the capabilities to assert ourselves. In our opinion the decision by the Commission is only based on political considerations. 

We have to make clear to those who are responsible politically, that continuing to muddle through in regard to minority issues is playing with fire. One cannot fail to notice the tendency towards nationalism and thus to the exclusion of minorities. This is most clearly visible in respect to the largest minority, the Roma. Despite large sums of available money almost no progress has been made. On the contrary; since the Euro-crisis discriminations is on the rise.

FUEN has as its top priority to position the autochthonous national minorities as bridge-builders between cultures and to fight against discrimination and for understanding and peaceful solutions. Therefore, we would like to work together with the network of all our members and address those who are responsible for this decision, which goes against the idea of Europe, and call on to them to come with a statement and to engage in a dialogue.

On a daily basis we, the minorities, are living our life based on loyalty, and we will not accept that the Commission tries to treat us like a child. We are of the opinion that minorities also have rights in Europe, and that we must be able to claim these rights.

Hans Heinrich Hansen, FUEN President



Open letter Hans Heinrich Hansen

"Minority SafePack Initiative"
Flyer "Minority SafePack Initiative"
Answer of the European Commission




  • Participations politiques
  • Droits fondamentaux
  • Diversité linguistique
  • Solidarité avec les Roms
  • L’Initiative citoyenne européenne
  • Réseau internet européen
  • Forum européen des communautés, minorités et nationalités / Maison des minorités et nationalités européennes


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