Preparation tournament for the next EUROPEADA 2016 a great success

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On 27 June a preparation tournament for the next EUROPEADA 2016 took place in St Martin in Thurn (Ladinia – South Tyrol). Four football teams participated: the Ladins (IT), the South Tyroleans (IT), the Romansh (CH) and the Carinthian Slovenes (AT).

With this tournament St Martin in Thurn tried out what it is to be the venue for the football matches between the European minorities. 

“It was a great preparation tournament for the next EUROPEADA. All the teams did their best. Before every match the national anthems were played. Afterwards we could celebrate together, with songs and dance. Sport and football can unite all of us. We look forward to 2016”, said Giorgio Costabiei, the leader of the Ladin team and member of the organisation team for 2016.

The Ladins, who had a home advantage, were able to win. The results:

  • Ladins – Carinthian Slovenes: 1 - 0
  • Romansh – South Tyroleans: 0 - 0 (4 -1 after penalties)
  • Match for the 3rd place: Carinthian Slovenes – South Tyroleans: 4 - 2
  • Final: Ladins - Romansh: 1 - 0


The EUROPEADA 2016 will take place from Saturday 18 June until Sunday 22 June 2015 in South Tyrol, Italy. The organisers work hard to prepare the football matches and the logistical framework for the women’s and men’s tournament, including the facilities for the supporting staff and for all the fans and guests that are expected from all over Europe.




  • Participations politiques
  • Droits fondamentaux
  • Diversité linguistique
  • Solidarité avec les Roms
  • L’Initiative citoyenne européenne
  • Réseau internet européen
  • Forum européen des communautés, minorités et nationalités / Maison des minorités et nationalités européennes


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