European Minorities
FUEN Members
European Institute - POMAK

10 Chavdar Voyvoda Str
BG-4700 Smolyan
+359 896-755-454
The Pomaks in Bulgaria mainly inhabit the Rhodope Mountains in Smolyan Province, Kardzhali Province, Pazardzhik Province and Blagoevgrad Province. Although precise figures are not available in census data, the minority is estimated at about 160,000-240,000 people.
The non-governmental organisation "European Institute - Pomak" was established in 2012 in the town of Smolyan.
The European Institute - Pomak actively works for and supports the preservation, development and maintenance of the identity and traditions of the Pomak community by implementing projects, promoting research and studies, promoting the traditions and presenting the Pomak community to local, European and international institutions.
The European Institute - Pomak became a member of FUEN in 2017.