European Minorities

FUEN Members

Громадська організація «Асамблея Національностей України»

Public Organization «Assembly of Nationalities of Ukraine»

Громадська організація «Асамблея Національностей України» Громадська організація «Асамблея Національностей України»
President Rovshan Tagiyev
30 street Yaroslavov Val, 14-D, office 90-91
UA-01030 Kiev

+380 (44) 253 38 88

The All-Ukrainian organisation Assembly of Nationalities of Ukraine is a large multi-ethnic structure uniting more than 50 nationalities/ethnicities and 120 organisations.

The organisation is responsible for strengthening the friendship and solidarity between various ethnic groups that inhabit Ukraine as well as for protecting their interests and human rights.

The activities of the organisation include roundtables, conferences, seminars, cultural and educational events, festivals and concerts, and the monitoring of xenophobia and racism.


  • Political Participation
  • Fundamental Rights
  • Linguistic Diversity
  • Solidarity with the Roma
  • European Citizens' Initiative
  • European Network
  • Forum of the European Minorities / House of Minorities


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