European Minorities

FUEN Members

Friendship, Equality, Peace (FEP) Party

Friendship, Equality and Peace Party

Friendship, Equality, Peace (FEP) Party Friendship, Equality, Peace (FEP) Party
President Mustafa Ali Çavus
Vasilou Pavlou 7
GR-69100 Komitini

+30 2531 102 124

Member count: 6000

Year established: 1991

Friendship Equality Peace Party

The Friendship Equality and Peace Party was founded on 12th September 1991 by Dr. Sadik Ahmet and colleagues, to tell the majority and world through legal and political means of the injustices suffered by Western Thrace Turks. It is the only legal party of the Turkish minority in Western Thrace. It has 6000 official members. The country wide, antidemocratic 3% threshold being executed to independent candidates constitutes to the Party being unable to send deputies to parliament. Our Party works in Greece through politics to implement friendship, equality peace and Minority Rights.    

Minority: Western Thrace Turkish Minority

Minority members: 150000

Western Thrace Turkish MinorityWith the Lausanne Peace Treaty signed on 24th July 1923, the Western Thrace Turkish Minority was left in Greece. The estimated population is 150,000. The Minority’s Turkish identity is persistently not recognised by Greece. Non-governmental organisations bearing the Turkish identity are closed. The Western Thrace Turkish Minority is a minority which gained religious and educational autonomy in the Lausanne Treaty, but today it is not allowed to choose its religious leader (Mufti), its imam in the mosque, its teacher at school and the management of its foundations (waqfs), neither is the Minority permitted to open and manage kindergartens to teach its mother tongue, primary, secondary and high schools


  • Political Participation
  • Fundamental Rights
  • Linguistic Diversity
  • Solidarity with the Roma
  • European Citizens' Initiative
  • European Network
  • Forum of the European Minorities / House of Minorities


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