18th Annual Meeting of the Slavic Minorities takes place in Croatia

- Sajtóközlemény - Czech minority hosts the meeting for the second time

“The shared commitment of the Slavic Minorities inside FUEN”, is the main theme of the Seminar of the Slavic Minorities this year. It is already the 18th time that the working group comes together within the framework of FUEN. From 15-18 October the Council of the Czech national minority of Bjelovar - Bilogara County / Rada české národnostní menšiny Bjelovarsko-bilogorského županství invites several Slavic minorities to Daruvar, Croatia. For the Czech minority, who have been a member of FUEN since 2011, it is the second time they are hosting a seminar.

Chairman Damir Malina and FUEN Vice President Bernhard Ziesch developed a varied programme. The main subjects are the hosting minority themselves, the exchange of experiences and stronger cooperation. There will also be political talks on the situation of the minorities in Croatia.

Croatia has 22 recognised minorities. So far, four of them are members of FUEN, and there are regular contacts to further minorities. The Council of the Czech national minority has been a member of FUEN since 2011. According to their own numbers, there are approximately 10,000 people belonging to the Czech minority.

The seminar this year will also address three internal subjects, says organiser Bernhard Ziesch: firstly the preparation for the Assembly of Delegates at the FUEN Congress of 2016, where elections will take place, secondly the cooperation of the working group within the framework of FUEN and in regard to project funding and thirdly also the further development of the working group in the internet.

The seminars of the Slavic minorities inside FUEN have been organised by Domowina – the Federation of Lusatian Sorbs since 1996, alternately in Lusatia, the home region of the Sorbs in Germany and in a different region, organised together with a host minority. This model has been stimulating the establishment of new working groups within the framework of FUEN. 

Sorbian summary:
„Zhromadne dźěło słowjanskich mjeńšin pod třěchu FUEN” rěka tema lětušeho seminara Federalistiskeje unije europskich narodnych skupin (FUEN), kiž wotměje so wot 15. do 18. oktobra pola čěskeje mjeńšiny w Daruvaru w Chorwatskej.

W srjedźišću seminara steji situacija čěškeje mjeńšiny, wuměna nazhonjenjow a hłuše zhromadne dźěło pod třěchu FUEN, zdobom rjad politiskich rozmołwow k situacije mjeńšinow w Chorwatskej.

Lětuši seminar ma sćěhowace zaměry za zhromadne dźěło, praji FUEN vice-president Bjarnat Cyž: “Sprěnja budźemy přihotować wólbnu zhromadźiznu a FUEN-kongres 2016 we Wrócławju, zdruha chcemy so dorozumić wo dalšim zhromadnym dźěłe dźěłoweje skupiny pod třěšu FUEN a dalšich zhromadnych aktiwitach na polu projektoweho dźěła. Jako třeće ćežišćo smy sej předewzali, kwalifikować internetowu stronu dźěłoweje skupiny słowjanskich mjeńšinow FUEN a z tym naše zjawnostne dźěło polěpšić.”

FUEN je z wjace hač 90 čłonskimi organizacijemi w 33 europskich krajach najwjetši třěšny zwjazk awtochtonych narodnych mjeńšinow abo ludowych skupin w Europje. Wona bu 1949 w Parisu załožena. Domowina organizuje wot lěta 1996 seminary za słowjanske mjeńšiny FUEN.


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