FUEN is growing

- Sajtóközlemény

FUEN, the largest European umbrella organization of the autochthonous, national minorities / ethnic groups in Europe, is still on a growth path. As FUEN, headquartered in Flensburg, announced earlier this year, the Office Manager and Head of Office positions in Flensburg are now in place.
After the start of Rie Saalfedt in April as the new Office Manager, Antoine Brossier, the new Head of Office, joined the team early May.

Rie Saalfeldt, who was born in Nordschleswig (northern Schleswig), grew up in the German-Danish border region. Throughout her life she visited the German institutions in Denmark. During her studies in Roskilde, she found her interest for indigenous peoples, ethnic minorities and their rights in Bangladesh. After living in Bangladesh for one year, and following one semester in Brussels, she has now returned to Sønderjylland to reconnect with her roots and to live her interest for autochthonous minorities.

Born and raised in France, Antoine Brossier, came to Germany 30 years ago after graduating in business sciences. He has worked for many years in Europe, USA and Venezuela as an international executive. He spent the last 4 years in Brussels, where he managed several projects in collaboration with European institutions. Antoine Brossier and his wife, a member of the German minority in Denmark, will return to the Flensburg border region and support the further growth of FUEN.

"For and in cooperation with our member organisations, we are implementing numerous projects to promote European minorities. The Minority SafePack Initiative, which is now entering the next decisive phase after its successful registration with the European Commission, is of particular interest. We will build the FUEN solidly to achieve our goals. Antoine Brossier and the Flensburg team will support FUEN in this process." said Susann Schenk, FUEN General Secretary.

There are over 400 minorities in Europe. Every seventh European belongs to an autochthonous minority or speaks a regional or minority language. With more than 90 member organizations, FUEN represents the interests of the European minorities - at regional, national and especially at European level. FUEN works together with the European Union, the Council of Europe, the OSCE and the United Nations as well as with other stakeholders within the field of the European minorities.


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