FUEN seminar ‘Minorities in Caucasus: Dialogue for a stable future’ coming up in December in Flensburg

- Sajtóközlemény

On the 13th–15th of December 2017, The Federal Union of European Nationalities (FUEN) will organize the second seminar ‘Minorities in Caucasus: Dialogue for a stable future’ in Flensburg, Germany.

The aim of the seminar is to give minority representatives from Caucasus the opportunity for hosted discussions and the exchange of ideas.

This year, representatives of Germans in Georgia, Azeris in Georgia, Ahıska Turks in Russia, Ahıska Turks in Azerbaijan and Talysh in Azerbaijan will take part in the seminar, which focuses on the topics ‘reform of education and language learning’ as well as ‘The Bolzano Recommendations on national minorities in inter-state relations’.

‘Minorities as peace-makers and their role in conflict prevention’ will be the third topic of the seminar, as the FUEN believes that minorities have a great but often still untapped potential: they can act as "bridge builders", mediate between different cultures, countries and policies and help to prevent and solve conflicts in politically challenging times.

On the occasion of the upcoming event, the organizers invited several experts from both Caucasus and the German-Danish border region. In presentations on the seminar’s main topics, these guest speakers will share their experiences and give successful examples of political and social participation of minorities.


* The project was supported by the Federal Ministry of the Interior and funded by the Federal Republic of Germany.


  • Politikai részvétel
  • Alapjogok
  • Nyelvi sokszínűség
  • Szolidaritás a romákkal
  • Európai polgári kezdeményezés
  • Európai Hálózat
  • Az Európai Kisebbségek Fóruma / Európai Kisebbségek Háza


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