FUEN Vice-President Habip Oğlu paid a working visit to Moscow

- Sajtóközlemény

The Federal Union of European Nationalities (FUEN) paid a fact-finding mission to Moscow, Russia in order to examine the application of the “Qumuqlar”, the NGO which represents the Kumyk Turks in Russia. Regarding the application of “Qumuqlar”, as the Vice- President responsible for membership applications, Habip Oğlu met with the Kumyks in Moscow.

Habip Oğlu met with other Turkic communities and groups at a meeting in Moscow

Vice-President Habip Oğlu was accompanied by Arvid Martens from FUEN Secretariat and Melek KırmacıArık from FUEN Turkic Minorities / Communities Working Group (TAG) Secretariat during his visit in Moscow. He met with the President of the Qumuqlar, Ruslan Salakhbehov and board members at the meeting on 20 August 2019.

In this meeting, President Ruslan Salakhbehov gave information about the Kumyk community in Russia and informed Habip Oğlu about the activities carried out by their associations. Habip Oğlu informed that the FUEN pays a fact-finding mission in order to examine their application. He noted that the Qumuqlar regularly attended the FUEN TAG meetings since its establishment in 2013 in the category of guest organizations and further noted that the Kumyks would have an opportunity to meet with other national minorities and communities in Europe and hence would be more visible and recognized in Europe after FUEN membership.

Following the meeting with the Kumyks , Habip Oğlu met with representatives of the Turkic communities living in Moscow in a meeting organized and hosted by the Qumuqlar, In addition to the Kumyks ; the Nogais, the Tatars, the Altais,  the Gagauzes, the Uyghurs and the Uzbeks participated at the meeting and the Turkic communities conveyed the activities of themselves and the associations they represent.

Habip Oğlu visited FUEN member Ahıska Turks and Karachay-Balkar Turks

On the occasion of the visit to Moscow, Habip Oğlu met with two other Turkic communities which are already member of the FUEN. He met with Cavid Aliyev, President of International Society of Meskhetian Turks VATAN, representing Ahıska Turks and Ali Totorkulov, the President of the Societal Organization for Strengthening  and Development of Karachay-Balkar Traditions “Bars-El” representing the Karachay-Balkar Turks in Russia.


  • Politikai részvétel
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  • Nyelvi sokszínűség
  • Szolidaritás a romákkal
  • Európai polgári kezdeményezés
  • Európai Hálózat
  • Az Európai Kisebbségek Fóruma / Európai Kisebbségek Háza


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