Minority SafePack press conference in Flensburg and live on Facebook

- Sajtóközlemény

FUEN is organising a press conference for the conclusions of the Minority SafePack Initiative signatures campaign. It will take place on Wednesday, 4 April 2018 at 10.00AM at the House of Minorities Office in Flensburg, Norderstraße 78.

FUEN President Loránt Vincze, former FUEN President and Representative of the Citizens’ Committee Prof. Hans Heinrich Hansen, FUEN Vice President Gösta Toft, the leaders of FUEN member organisations Bund Deutscher Nordschleswiger (BDN), Sydslesvigsk Forening (SSF) and Friisk Foriining will participate at the event. Hunor Kelemen, president of the RMDSZ and Deputy Representative of the Citizens’ Committee will join in via Facebook live from Cluj-Napoca/Kolozsvár, Romania.
The press conference will be broadcasted live on the Minority SafePack’s Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/minority.safepack/).

The European Citizen’s Initiative asking for EU protection and support for autocthonous national minorities and language groups managed to gather more than one million signatures and to pass the national threshold in more than 7 Member States. The deadline for the signatures collection is 3 April 2018.

For more details visit: www.minority-safepack.eu


  • Politikai részvétel
  • Alapjogok
  • Nyelvi sokszínűség
  • Szolidaritás a romákkal
  • Európai polgári kezdeményezés
  • Európai Hálózat
  • Az Európai Kisebbségek Fóruma / Európai Kisebbségek Háza


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