FUEN's new Project Manager for the Slavic Minorities Working Group

- Sajtóközlemény

Since May 2017, Theresia Lippitsch/ Rejzka Lipičec started working as Project Manager for FUEN’s Working Group of Slavic Minorities. Together with the Domowina, the umbrella organisation of the Lusatian Sorbs, she is currently organising the XX. FUEN seminar of the Working Group, which will take place in Bautzen, Germany from the 22-25th of June 2017.

Theresia, being a Sorb herself, grew up bilingual in Lusatia. She studied Slavistics in Germany, Croatia and Russia. Following which she focused her graduate studies on world tangible and intangible heritage preservation in relation to endangered languages and community involvement.

During her many years of activity at the Youth of European Nationalities (YEN), of which two of them she was a board member, Theresia was also active in supporting FUEN projects, such as the Language Diversity Campaign, the EUROPEADA 2012 and the Minority SafePack Initiative launch in 2013.

In the past two years she has organized a variety of projects and events on minority languages and multilingualism on the internet with and for international institutions in Bonn, Budapest and Paris.

Together with FUEN she has now taken the opportunity to further support the European minorities and their languages for the future.

The FUEN welcomes Theresia and looks forward to a fruitful collaboration.

In Upper Sorbian Langauge:

Ze spočatka meje 2017 dźěła Rejzka Lipičec jako projektowa managerka za Dźěłowu skupinu słowjanskich mjeńšin FUEN w Budyšinje. Wokomiknje přihotuje wona zhromadnje z Domowinu XX. FUEN seminar słowjanskich mjeńšin, kotryž wotměje so w tutym lěće wot 22.-25.06. zaso we Łužicy.

Sama Serbowka a wotrostła w dwurěčnej Łužicy, studoła Rejzka Słowjanske rěče a kulturu w Gießenje, kaž tež w Zagrebje (Chorwatska) a Kazanje (Ruska). We swojim masterskim studiju wěnowaše so wona škitej materialneho a imaterialneho swětoweho herbstwa z fokusom na wohrožene rěče a zapřijeće ciwilneje towaršnosće.

W jeje dołholětnej dźěławosći za Młodźinu europskich narodnych skupin (MENS), dwě lěće jako čłonka předsydswa, podpěraše Rejzka tež aktiwnje FUEN projekty kaz Language Diversity kampanju, EUROPEADu 2012 a zahajenje Minority Safepack inicijatiwy 2013.

W zašłymaj dwěmaj lětomaj organiwoa mjezdruhim zhromadnje w mjezynarodnymi institucijemi projekty k mjeńšinskim rěčam a wjacerěčnosći w interneće w Bonnje, Budapesće a Parizu.

Hromadźe w FUEN wotewrě so jej nětko móžnosć so tež přichodnje aktiwnje dale za europske mjeńšiny a jich rěče zasadźować.

FUEN wita Rejzku a wjeseli so na zhromadne dźěło.


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