Open House 2014 of the German Federal Government in Berlin on 30 and 31 August

- Sajtóközlemény - The four German minorities will also be there, and present themselves at the Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI)!

Press release (from Minderheitensekretariat)

Open House 2014 of the German Federal Government in Berlin on 30 and 31 August. The four German minorities will also be there, and present themselves at the Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI)!

“Come over, get information, experience!” That is the motto of the 16th Open House of the German Federal Government in Berlin in 2014. With a wide-ranged programme with information and entertainment both young and old guests can get an impression of political life in Berlin. 

The Open House of this year takes place in connection with a special jubilee: 25 years ago brave people in the GDR brought down the communist dictatorship and forced the authorities to open the Berlin Wall. With their civic courage they paved the way for the reunification of Germany, in peace and freedom. The fact that Berlin, the city that was once divided, could become the seat of the government, had enormous symbolic meaning for the integration of our country,” German Chancellor Merkel writes in her personal greeting.

The Minority Secretariat of the autochthonous minorities in Germany will be taking part in the Open House and also the representatives of the four minorities: the Frisians, the Danes in South Schleswig, the German Sinti and Roma, and the Lusatian Sorbs. With a shared stall in the patio of the Ministry of the Interior in Alt-Moabit they want to raise attention for themselves.
“We look forward to the Open House of the ministries in Berlin and to animated discussions with visitors. We are also pleased that, directly adjacent to our stall, Federal Government Commissioner for Matters Related to Ethnic German Resettlers and National Minorities, Mr Hartmut Koschyk MP, will tell about his work. Please come by and visit us, take part in our minority quiz and learn more about our activities and priorities,” said David Statnik, the Chairman of the Minority Council.

FUEN will be represented by President Hans Heinrich Hansen at the event.

The doors of the Ministry of the Interior will be open on 30 and 31 August 2014 from 10:00 till 18:00 hr.

On Saturday, the young Frisian singer Norma Schultz will perform live onstage.

Federal Minister Dr Thomas de Maizière is expected to be present on Sunday 31 August 2014 from 13:00 till 15:00 hr.

More information:

If you have any further questions, please contact Judith Walde at +49 (0)30 18681 45870 or

Press release in German

Photo: Minderheitensekretariat


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