Press release about the upcoming Assembly of Delegates of FUEN:

- News - Candidates announced

On 21 May the Federal Union of European Nationalities will elect a new Presidium. 

After a total term of nine years as President, the incumbent FUEN President Hans Heinrich Hansen will end his successful term of office.

At its Presidium meeting on 15 April 2016, the Presidium of FUEN assessed the nominations submitted by the FUEN Member Organisations; hereby the Presidium announces the candidates:

For the position of President of the Federal Union of European Nationalities two current Vice Presidents were nominated: 

Loránt Vincze, Romániai Magyar Demokrata Szövetség (RMDSZ) 

Dieter Paul Küssner, Sydslesvigsk Forening (SSF). 

For the positions of up to six Vice Presidents the candidates from the following organisations were nominated:

Olga Martens, Internationaler Verband der Deutschen Kultur (IVDK)

Daniel Alfreider, Südtiroler Volkspartei (SVP)

Bernhard Ziesch, Domowina- Zwjazk Łužiskich Serbow z. t.

Halit Habipoglu, President of the Federation of Western Thrace Turks in Europe (ABTTF)

Koloman Brenner, Landesselbstverwaltung der Ungarndeutschen (LDU)

Gösta Toft, Bund Deutscher Nordschleswiger (BDN)

Bernard Gaida, Verband Deutscher Gesellschaften in Polen (VDG)

and also the candidates for President

Lorant Vincze, Romániai Magyar Demokrata Szövetség (RMDSZ)

Dieter Paul Küssner, Sydsleswigsk Forening (SSF)

(arranged according to date of reception)

FUEN is glad with this mixture of new and experiences Presidium members, standing for election on 21 May. The new Presidium will be elected for a three-years term of office from 2016-2019

The FUEN Member Organisations will receive a file with the documents for the Assembly of Delegates, including with information about the candidates in advance. 

Furthermore the Presidium is pleased with the nominations it received of the candidates for the FUEN Auditors and for the FUEN Members of the European Dialogue Forum. The European Dialogue Forum, consisting of representatives of the Youth of European Nationalities, the President of FUEN and seven representatives of FUEN is keeping regular contact with the Members of the European Parliament.

The Assembly of Delegates will vote on a Congress Resolution, a Joint Resolution by FUEN and YEN on the refugee issue and 9 resolutions submitted by Member Organisations. Furthermore there are three new applications for membership of FUEN. 

The FUEN Member Organisations will receive a file with documents for the Assembly of Delegates, including the candidates, resolutions and applications in advance. 

The Assembly of Delegates takes place on 21 May in the Haston City Hotel in Wrocław/Breslau, at the end of the FUEN Congress of this year. All the ordinary and associate members, who regularly pay their membership fee have the right to vote and elect. We expect more than 100 delegates of the Member Organisations in Wrocław/Breslau. 

Photos below:
FUEN Vice President Loránt Vincze
FUEN Vice President Dieter Paul Küssner


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