Seminar for non-kin-state minorities in Switzerland

- Sajtóközlemény

From 23 -25 October 2015, the conference “Giving a Voice to Peoples without a Kin-State” is taking place in Scuol, in the Rhaeto-Romansh region of Switzerland. For FUEN, Frank de Boer is participating in the conference.

Representatives of several minorities without a kin-state, such as the Aromanians, Sámi, Frisians, Sorbs, Meshketian Turks, Crimean Tatars, Ladins, Friulians and the host-minority the Rhaeto-Romansh have arrived yesterday. Most of them are members of FUEN. Over a period of three days, the smaller European linguistic and cultural communities without a kin-state will exchange their experiences, discuss common challenges and find possible solutions.

It is now twenty years ago that the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities by the Council of Europe was adopted. Together with renowned experts the strengths of the Convention will be discussed, as well as the weaknesses that have to be addressed to secure the survival of minority cultures in Europe. 

Next to presentations and discussion, there will also be a cultural programme with musicians from different minorities. A group of journalists from several minority newspapers in Europe who are on a study visit organised by MIDAS will join the participants of the seminar.

More information:
Programme of the seminar


  • Politikai részvétel
  • Alapjogok
  • Nyelvi sokszínűség
  • Szolidaritás a romákkal
  • Európai polgári kezdeményezés
  • Európai Hálózat
  • Az Európai Kisebbségek Fóruma / Európai Kisebbségek Háza


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