Suns Europe: linguistic and cultural diversities on stage in Udine, Friuli, in Italy

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From the 1st to the 3rd December 2016, Udine (capital of the Friuli-region in Italy) will host an important European Festival of performing arts in European minority languages. Directors, musicians, writers, actors, singers will meet you there.

Suns Europe means art, exchange, and talent involving the minority languages spoken by different people in different European areas. Music, cinema, theater and literature will be the true protagonists of the Festival, expressed of course in the languages that are used by the European minorities.

Bands, directors, writers and actors from all over Europe will represent the minority languages of Ireland, Faeroe islands, Galicia, Bretagne, Sami, Benecjia, Chucokta and Catalonia. Udine expects hundreds of people, who will come to the “Teatro Nuovo Giovanni da Udine” for three days.

It is an extraordinary chance to cherish new, refined artistic productions. The event will form a true "Babel tower", which brings an unmissable chance to experience different languages, sounds, exchanges.

The 2016 edition of Suns Europe (the term ‘suns’ means ‘sounds’ in the regional language) will be a true voyage of discovery through the artistic production from half of Europe. From the 1st to the 3rd of December, almost every half hour there will be different exhibitions, performances, meetings and shows. The opening ceremony of the Festival will begin Thursday 1st December at 5pm, while the big closing party will take place on Saturday 3rd December at 11.30pm. Also on Saturday, at 9pm, the jury will award the best productions submitted to the Festival during a special event at the Teatro Nuovo Giovanni da Udine.

The programme and information are available on the website and Facebook-page of SUNS Europe: 
Homepage Suns Europe 
Facebook Suns Europe


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