Support for minorities: Parliament seconds Minority SafePack Initiative

- Sajtóközlemény

Following the acknowledgement of the Minority SafePack Initiative (MSPI) from the former parliament of the federal state of Schleswig-Holstein already in September 2013, the new parliament recently followed their footsteps and declared their support for the European Citizens’ Initiative, which was launched by the Federal Union of  European Nationalities (FUEN) four years ago. 

In an official proposal, the two parties SPD and SSW asked the new government of Schleswig-Holstein to commit and promote the MSPI on a federal- and a EU-level, in order to firmly establish and enforce the concerns of national minorities and language minorities at the European Commission.

Minority policy should not suffer under the change of political majorities, emphasised the deputy chairman of the parliament and SPD spokesperson for minority policy, Birte Pauls.

Lars Harms, chairman of the SSW, underlined the importance of the initiative, noting that almost every seventh European citizen belongs to an autochthonous minority. He pointed out that many minority members still suffer discrimination and social exclusion in their countries, and that most regional and minority languages are at risk.

Not only the government coalition but also the government itself supported the Minority SafePack Initiative. Minister-President Daniel Günther (CDU) stressed the impact of the initiative as "one of the most important acts of solidarity with minorities in Europe in the recent decades". He called on all the citizens of Schleswig-Holstein to participate in the campaign.

After the parliament conference, a photo-session was performed by the SPD in front of the parliament building. Members of the Schleswig-Holstein parliament set a sign for the protection of minorities by officially signing the campaign.

The Minority SafePack Initiative is one of the largest citizens' initiatives in the recent decades, which aims to protect and promote language, culture and the rights of autochthonous minorities in Europe. By collecting one million signatures within one year, the FUEN wants to oblige the European Union to actively participate in the political dialogue that aims to improve the conditions of the minorities throughout Europe, while promoting their right to political participation.

Click here to read the press release of the parliament of Schleswig-Holstein 

Photo credit: SPD parliamentary group


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  • Nyelvi sokszínűség
  • Szolidaritás a romákkal
  • Európai polgári kezdeményezés
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  • Az Európai Kisebbségek Fóruma / Európai Kisebbségek Háza


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