We have the official dates for EUROPEADA 2020!

- Sajtóközlemény

FUEN is pleased to announce the official date of EUROPEADA 2020: 20-28 June 2020. The European football championship of autochthonous minorities will be hosted by the Carinthian Slovenes, who, after an exciting competition at the FUEN Congress 2017 in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, convinced the delegates with an emotional presentation and a coherent concept.

The past editions of EUROPEADA were a great opportunity for the minorities to present themselves, and to start collaborating not only in sports but in other areas as well. Sport is a universal language, and through it we also had succeeded in bringing the problems of minorities more into the public eye. The EUROPEADA`s last edition in 2016 was also a success in highlighting the values of a minority region, South Tyrol, and we are confident that this will also be the case in Carinthia", stated FUEN President Loránt Vincze.

Marko Oraže, Executive Secretary of the National Council of Carinthian Slovenes/ Narodni svet koroških Slovencev and member of the Carinthian Organizing Committee, emphasised that the existing infrastructure of local clubs will be built upon. "Our aim is to organise a high quality football tournament, under the motto ‘together unique – skupaj enkratni – zusammen einzigartig’ and to experience the diversity of Europe through the unifying power of sport", said Oraže.

FUEN is looking forward to the tournament in Carinthia, the participation of women's and men's teams and to bringing the minorities of Europe closer together not only in sports but also culturally. It will be interesting to see how many teams will compete against each other in 2020. The official announcement will be sent to the FUEN member organisations in the first quarter of 2019.

EUROPEADA is a major European event that connects the fair competition and the enthusiasm for a sporting event with the interests of the autochthonous national minorities. The focus is on the encounter, the exchange of minorities and the public promotion. FUEN is the organiser of the EUROPEADA.

After the three successful European football championships of the autochthonous national minorities, hosted by the Romansh people in Grisons/Switzerland in 2008, the Lusatian Sorbs in Germany in 2012 and the German-speaking South Tyroleans and the Ladins in South Tyrol in Italy in 2016, will the 4th EUROPEADA take place in Carinthia/ Koroška hosted by the Carinthian Slovenes in 2020!

The tournament is open for teams of members of minorities from non-professional football leagues. The FUEN is responsible for the sports tournament management, the European marketing and the political support of the EUROPEADA. The tournament will be accompanied by a cultural program and media marketing.

The EUROPEADA will be an excellent opportunity for the host to present the minority and region to the European and the Austrian public.


  • Politikai részvétel
  • Alapjogok
  • Nyelvi sokszínűség
  • Szolidaritás a romákkal
  • Európai polgári kezdeményezés
  • Európai Hálózat
  • Az Európai Kisebbségek Fóruma / Európai Kisebbségek Háza


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