Coordination meeting with the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs

- News

At the end of January a coordination meeting will take place in Berlin with the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, FUEN/AGDM and cultural institutions such as the Goethe Institute and the Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations (ifa). The meeting was announced by German Minority Commissioner Hartmut Koschyk during the annual meeting of the Working Group of German Minorities AGDM in 2015. This will be the first meeting of AGDM in 2016.

The office also announces that starting from the beginning of the year 2016, the position of speaker of the Working Group of German Minorities AGDM is exercised by FUEN Vice President Olga Martens.


Working Group of German Minorities (AGDM) inside FUEN

AGDM Coordination
Bundesallee 216-218
D-10719 Berlin

Telephone: 0049 30 1868114613


  • Political Participation
  • Fundamental Rights
  • Linguistic Diversity
  • Solidarity with the Roma
  • European Citizens' Initiative
  • European Network
  • Forum of the European Minorities / House of Minorities


More photos at Flickr