“Denmark has to be one of the countries to reach the threshold for the MSPI!”

- Press releases

With little more than a month to go and 3000 signatures missing to reach the national threshold of 9750, the German minority in Denmark feels optimistic about the Minority SafePack Initiative. FUEN’s delegation, led by President Loránt Vincze visited Denmark on Tuesday, 27th of February to get an update on the local campaign.

This feels like a silver wedding to me – said the mayor of Aabenraa, Thomas Andresen, who already signed the Minority SafePack Initiative back in November. Previously this month he publicly announced his support with 3 other mayors from the region (H. P. Geil from Haderslev, Henrik Frandsen from Tønder, Erik Lauritzen from Sønderbrog). “I have been for the Minority SafePack from the beginning and now I am restating my love for it” – the mayor added.

At a press meeting Thomas Andresen explained that the Danish border region is a fortunate region whose minorities have a good living standard and have the right to practice their culture, speak their language and run their own institutions. “We are a role model region and we would also like to highlight this, most importantly on a EU level” – the mayor explained.

The Chairman of Bund Deutscher Nordschleswiger, Hinrich Jürgensen also pointed out his continued support for the cause,and highlighting how important this initiative is for them. “The FUEN and BDN also think that minority politics is peace politics and the EU should live by this and utilize the existing knowledge and best practice situations to inspire others across the EU borders” – he said, adding that the MSPI specifically asks the EU to promote these best practices.

FUEN President Loránt Vincze pointed out that the European citizen’s initiative asking for EU support and protection for people who belong to national minorities and language groups is currently in the last phase of the race. “We are certain that we will reach the threshold in Denmark and we should focus on this rich border region. We need to feel the responsibility of being a role model region and with that push towards the goal of collecting at least 10.000 signatures. We therefore need and expect a strong commitment from this region” – he said.

The FUEN delegation – Loránt Vincze (FUEN President), Gösta Toft (FUEN Vice President), Zsolt Grabán (Regional MSPI Campaign Coordinator) visited the Bund Deutscher Nordschleswiger (BDN) at the House of Nordschleswig (the headquarters of the German Minority in Denmark). Uwe Jessen (BDN General Secretary), Hinrich Jürgensen (BDN Chairman), Harro Hallmann (BDN Head of Communication) and Thore Naujeck (MSPI Coordinator) discussed the strategy for obtaining the support of locals. The delegation also met the newly elected Chairman of the BDN youth organization junge SPitzen, Tobias Klindt, who is committed to support and promote the MSPI and is already planning to collect signatures at several events.

FUEN’s president also had a meeting with Knud-Erik Therkelsen, General Secretary of the Grænseforeningen and Jens Andresen, the Chairman of the Grænseforeningen, the organization which links the Danish government and the Danish minority in Germany. The Secretary General explained that the fact that Denmark could be one of the seven countries to reach the threshold gave a motivational boost to the campaign. “It simply became something Denmark needs to do and we are working together in order to reach the goal” – he added.


  • Political Participation
  • Fundamental Rights
  • Linguistic Diversity
  • Solidarity with the Roma
  • European Citizens' Initiative
  • European Network
  • Forum of the European Minorities / House of Minorities


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