Keike Faltings joined the FUEN team in Flensburg as the new project manager of the House of Minorities

- News

In July 2017, Keike Faltings joined the FUEN as the new project manager of the ‘House of Minorities’ in Flensburg. In addition to that, Keike will also help to strengthen the network among the Non-Kinstate Working Group.

As a member of the Frisian minority in Germany, Keike Faltings was born on the North Frisian island of Föhr, an environment where the Frisian language and culture is still very present today.

During her German and Scandinavian Studies at the Christian-Albrechts University in Kiel, Keike focused on the languages Frisian, Low German and Danish. Furthermore, she  worked as a teacher at the Institute for Frisian Studies at the CAU in Kiel, where she taught the language courses in her native language Fering for several years.

In addition to her academic activities, Keike has been a touring musician since 2012. As the lead singer and fiddler of the award-winning North Frisian folk band ‘Kalüün’  she has been successfully promoting the language and culture of her island home throughout Germany and beyond.

The FUEN welcomes Keike Faltings and is looking forward to having her join the team.




A FUEN begröötet Keike Faltings

Uun jüüle 2017 hee a FUEN Keike Faltings üüs nei mähalper begröötet. Hat komert ham faan nü uf uun ei bluat am a projekten uun’t Hüs faan a manerhaiden uun Flensborig, man halept uk mä, det nei ‘Non-Kinstate’-skööl onernöler tu ferbinjen.

Keike as üüb Feer bäären an apwoksen, en eilun, huar at fering spriak an kultüür noch daaling lewet an bleut.  Studiaret hee hat bi a ‘Christian-Albrechts Universität’ uun Kiil, huar hat ham uun sin feeg Tjiisk an Skandinavistik miast mä at fering, plaattjiisk an deensk spriak befaadet hee. Uk hee hat bi’t  fresk instituut faan a CAU seeks juar loong a Fering-spriakkursen onerracht.

Üüs schonger an gichelspeler faan at fering folkband Kalüün saat hat ham sant 2012 uun Tjiisklun an öler lunen för at fering spriak an kultüür iin.

A FUEN frööget ham diarüüb, mä Keike Faltings tuptuwerkin an begröötet ham hartelk uun sin skööl.


  • Political Participation
  • Fundamental Rights
  • Linguistic Diversity
  • Solidarity with the Roma
  • European Citizens' Initiative
  • European Network
  • Forum of the European Minorities / House of Minorities


More photos at Flickr