Loránt Vincze at the YEN seminar: the support of the young generation is important for FUEN

- Press releases

FUEN President Loránt Vincze praised the Youth of European Nationalities for the strong partnership with FUEN. On 29 March, the day on which it has been announced that FUEN’s main project for the year, the Minority SafePack Initiative reached one million statements of support, the organisation’s president took part in the YEN Easter Seminar in Opole, organized by the BJDM, the youth organisation of the German minority in Poland.

„It is very important for our work to have the support of the young generation of European nationalities and to strengthen each other. It is important for a big organisation to have a youth organisation behind with fresh ideas, new initiatives, which can correct the sometimes old-fashioned way that the big organisation tend to act” – the FUEN’s president said in his keynote speech.

He added that FUEN really changed a lot in the last few years and as its ambition was to become the main umbrella organisation of European nationalities not only by name and not only by the number of our members – which is now at 98 in 33 European countries – but also by influencing the European policies on minorities. Many partner organisations and representatives of minority communities, wich are not our members joined our initiative and made stronger the voice of our communities. With the succes of the MSPI, the FUEN becomes the agenda-setter organization of the European autchthonous minorities – concluded Loránt Vincze.

The FUEN congratulates Giuanna Beeli on her election as YEN president. She represents the Romansh speaking community from Switzerland and succeeds Britta Tästensen from the German community in Denmark also in the FUEN Presidium.


  • Political Participation
  • Fundamental Rights
  • Linguistic Diversity
  • Solidarity with the Roma
  • European Citizens' Initiative
  • European Network
  • Forum of the European Minorities / House of Minorities


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