Minority-delegation from the Western Balkans visits Schleswig-Holstein

- - Schleswig-Holstein

A delegation of twenty representatives of minorities of the Western Balkans is visiting Schleswig-Holstein for 6 days from the 30th of October. The visit upon invitation of the Federal Union of European Nationalities (FUEN) focuses on the topics of protection against discrimination of the minorities, joint fight against causes of flight as well as  access for minorities to social services and repatriation management. The aim of the visit is: The minority-representatives of the Western Balkans would like to learn from Schleswig-Holstein, since the northernmost state is regarded as a ‘good-practice-model‘ in the field of minority policies.

The delegation visit is taking place from 30th October until 4th of November 2016. The visit is organised and accompanied by the FUEN. It is part of a project for the Western Balkans, where FUEN and ECMI, supported by the Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) and on the initiative of the state chancellery Schleswig-Holstein, successfully applied for funding. The funding is being granted within the framework of a new Federal-Länder-pilotprogramme „New formats of collaboration in technical collaboration“ of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). Further project funds are provided by the state Schleswig-Holstein.  

The delegation visit starts with a day in the provincial capital Kiel and a meeting with Renate Schnack. The Minority Commissioner of the Prime Minister Torsten Albig will speak about the peaceful living together of the four minorities with the population majority in Schleswig-Holstein. Furthermore, they will deal with mechanisms to protect and promote minorities. Afterwards there will be discussions with ombudsmen for anti-discrimination and experts of the Ministry of the interior. In the afternoon an intensive exchange of information with the Central Council of Sinti and Roma will take place and the evening is designated for a joint Halloween-party at Jaruplund Højskole’.

On Tuesday there will be a panel discussion with experts in Flensburg and on Wednesday a city tour from the perspective of minorities and a visit to foreign-language schools and kindergartens in Jaruplund are offered. On Thursday the delegation will visit the house of minorities and the European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI). The visit will deal with a possible transfer of the successful measures in Schleswig-Holstein to the Western Balkans. A concert of a minority orchestra will be the highlight and closure of the visit.

About the background: minorities of Western Balkan countries like Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Kosovo or Albania still suffer from social and economic discrimination. Access to communal services, infrastructure, education and the labor market is widely lacking. A process of decentralisation is recognisable but it highly varies among the countries. In order to promote the process and to support the minorities of the affected countries, the capacities and competencies of the local stakeholders like social centres or communities are not sufficient. Schleswig-Holstein is regarded as a role model in minority policies. The experiences of the northernmost state can assist countries of the Western Balkans to strengthen their minority policies. Together with FUEN and ECMI the project makes a contribution to the protection of those minorities.

About the FUEN

The FUEN represents the interests of the European minorities – on regional, national and in particular on the European level. With more than 90 member organisations in 33 European countries FUEN is the umbrella organisation of the autochthonous, national minorities in Europe. FUEN is committed to protect and promote the identity, language, culture, rights and own character of the European minorities. FUEN is the voice of the minorities at the international organisations, notably at the European Union and the Council of Europe and also at the United Nations and the OSCE. FUEN was founded 1949 in Paris and has three offices: in Flensburg, Berlin and Brussels.

More information: www.fuen.org. Contact person: Susann Schenk, e-mail: info@fuen.org, phone.: + 49 461 128 55.


  • Political Participation
  • Fundamental Rights
  • Linguistic Diversity
  • Solidarity with the Roma
  • European Citizens' Initiative
  • European Network
  • Forum of the European Minorities / House of Minorities


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