Over 640 thousand signatures for the Minority SafePack Initiative submitted in Hungary

- Press releases

Statements of support for the Minority SafePack European Citizen’s Initiative were submitted to national authorities in Hungary of Friday, April 20th. The FUEN Presidium, representatives of national minorities in Hungary and of the Hungarian communities living outside of the country’s borders were present at the event.   

„Hungary has been our partner throughout the petition campaign. I am grateful that they believed in our cause and I am grateful for the support of 640 thousand Hungarian citizens who have signed the petition for the initiative”, stated Loránt Vincze after having submitted the signatures collected. The FUEN President added: 1 320 000 European Citizens stated their support for the Minority SafePack Initiative, and this means that the issue of minority protection in Europe must be put on the EU agenda. He stressed: FUEN continues to count on the partnership of national parliaments and governments, including the government of Hungary, in this issue.

„Until the April 3rd deadline 643 791 statements of support have been collected in Hungary for the MSPI, 385 623 on paper form and 258 168 online. An exemplary number of people have rallied behind this initiative, people from small towns as well as the capital city. Student organisations, local governments and churches have been our partners in spreading the message about this cause, and we have witnessed a cross-party cooperation regarding this subject”, stated Csongor Csáky, Secretary General of the organisation which coordinated the petition campaign in Hungary, Rákóczi Szövetség.

National authorities will have three months at their disposal to verify the statements of support submitted. Afterwards, the European Citizen’s Initiative for the protection of autochthonous national minorities will be put forth to the European Commission.


  • Political Participation
  • Fundamental Rights
  • Linguistic Diversity
  • Solidarity with the Roma
  • European Citizens' Initiative
  • European Network
  • Forum of the European Minorities / House of Minorities


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