Loránt Vincze: The MSPI is an instrument capable of reducing the democracy deficit in Europe regarding minority rights

- Press releases

In the past year we have strived to bring the autochthonous national minorities of Europe together, so that jointly we could convince the majority communities that minority protection needs to be put on the agenda of the EU. The Minority SafePack European Citizen’s Initiative has brought together the minorities, nationlities and language groups of Europe. Now, as a next step, the FUEN will offer a minority majority pact to Europe” – stated FUEN President Loránt Vincze during a visit to Transylvania, Romania.

The President of the FUEN participated and held a speech at a forum entitled The EU and the situation of autochthonous national minorities hosted by RMDSZ MP Ödön Szabó in Nagyárad / Oradea, and delivered a lecture at the Sapientia University in Kolozsvár / Cluj-Napoca hosted by dean dr. Tonk Márton with the participation of Executive Vice-president of the RMDSZ Anna Horváth also participated at the university event. 

Vincze pointed out that there is an increasingly pressing debate on the future of the EU in Europe and that, in his opinion, the institutional landscape of the Union will be different a decade from now. “This change is an opportunity for us, minorities of Europe, and we, the most pro European communities need to take advantage of it” – he said adding: “Minorities of Europe, more so than anybody else, had hoped that the EU will bring legal certainty for minority rights and the support necessary for the protection of our cultural and linguistic heritage. Sadly, some minority communities have had to be disappointed in the EU, but now the challenge falls upon us to make a change. The Minority SafePack Initiative is an instrument of direct democracy, and the 1.3 million petitions signed for the Minority SafePack mean we, the organisations that have initiated it, now shoulder the responsibility of bringing the minority project to fruition via lobbying and making the decision makers see that this is a legitimate desire that the minorities of Europe agree upon.

The FUEN President announced that they aim to contact the larger political forces in Europe and in the Member States and present the proposed pact to them, as they will be the ones that could support the Initiative when it will be on the agenda of the European Parliament.




  • Political Participation
  • Fundamental Rights
  • Linguistic Diversity
  • Solidarity with the Roma
  • European Citizens' Initiative
  • European Network
  • Forum of the European Minorities / House of Minorities


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