We presented 17,433 signatures for the MSPI to the Croatian authorities

- Press releases

On Tuesday, 24th of April the 17,433 statements of support collected in Croatia for the Minority SafePack Initiative were handed over to the competent national authorities in Zagreb.

“The Minority SafePack Initiative is also a project of solidarity: many communities support it. Here in Croatia the Serbian and the Hungarian minorities managed to pass the national threshold, and together with the other minorities from all over Europe they are asking for protection and recognition from the EU” – said FUEN President Loránt Vincze at the event.

“In Croatia the Hungarian community and the Democratic Community of Hungarians in Croatia (HMDK) made everything in its power to make this project of the European minorities a success. We are glad that we took part in this great initiative, and we are waiting to see its results” – declared Róbert Jankovics, Member of Croatian Parliament on behalf of HMDK.

“This is an important day for the Serbian community in Croatia and all other minorities. We did not manage to put in practice all the laws that minorities in Croatia have on paper and we hope that by this initiative we will raise public awareness about it and at the same time our involvement in society” – added Saša Milošević, president of the Council of the Serbian national minority of City of Zagreb.

In total, a number of 1,319,009 statements of support have been collected from citizens of the European Union before the deadline for the Minority SafePack Initiative. National authorities have three months to validate the signatures.


  • Political Participation
  • Fundamental Rights
  • Linguistic Diversity
  • Solidarity with the Roma
  • European Citizens' Initiative
  • European Network
  • Forum of the European Minorities / House of Minorities


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