Minority SafePack: we have got the validated signatures; we need to secure the support of the majority

Minority SafePack: we have got the validated signatures; we need to secure the support of the majority


Loránt Vincze at the OSCE seminar: The loyalty of minority communities needs to be earned

Loránt Vincze at the OSCE seminar: The loyalty of minority communities needs to be earned


FUEN Congress 2018: European minorities want a pact with the majority

FUEN Congress 2018: European minorities want a pact with the majority


Fernand de Varennes invites FUEN to collaborate with his office on minority issues

Fernand de Varennes invites FUEN to collaborate with his office on minority issues


We have the million, we have the answers: celebrating the success of the Minority SafePack Inititative at the FUEN Congress

We have the million, we have the answers: celebrating the success of the Minority SafePack Inititative at the FUEN Congress


Wolkom in Fryslân: local and international leaders welcomed the FUEN Congress 2018

Wolkom in Fryslân: local and international leaders welcomed the FUEN Congress 2018


FUEN President proposes a pact between minorities and majorities at the annual congress of the organisation in Fryslân

FUEN President proposes a pact between minorities and majorities at the annual congress of the organisation in Fryslân


FUEN Congress in Fryslân: We are ready to fight, but with ideas

FUEN Congress in Fryslân: We are ready to fight, but with ideas


The FUEN Congress 2018 is ready to begin in Leeuwarden/Ljouwert

The FUEN Congress 2018 is ready to begin in Leeuwarden/Ljouwert



  • политической жизни
  • Основные права
  • языковое разнообразие
  • Солидарность с рома/цыганами
  • Европейская гражданская инициатива
  • Eвропейская сеть
  • Форума европейских меньшинств / Дома европейских меньшинств


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