Пресс-релиз - We had a lot of press coverage during our FUEN congress. Here an overview - it will be updated. Please share if you have any further informations.

Towards one million signatures for diversity in Europe

Towards one million signatures for diversity in Europe

Пресс-релиз - 58th FUEN Congress in Brixen

Hungarians in Romania united for more regional competences and for a strong Europe

Hungarians in Romania united for more regional competences and for a strong Europe

Пресс-релиз - FUEN President Hans Heinrich Hansen conveyed warm greetings, on behalf of the minorities in Europe that are united in FUEN, to around 1000 delegates of the Democratic Alliance of the Hungarians in Romania (RMDSZ).

Media rush at the presentation of the citizens’ initiative

Media rush at the presentation of the citizens’ initiative

Пресс-релиз - With the slogan “You are not alone – one million signatures for diversity in Europe”, the Europe-wide citizens’ initiative – the “Minority SafePack Initiative” – was presented at the seat of the Democratic Alliance of the Hungarians (RMDSZ) in Cluj / Kolosvár yesterday.

 Support from Friesland: de Vries founding member of the Citizens’ Initiative

Support from Friesland: de Vries founding member of the Citizens’ Initiative

Пресс-релиз - Minister Jannewietske de Vries of the Province of Friesland in the Netherlands has joined our European Citizens’ Initiative as one of the founding members.

Minister from the North supports the European Citizens’ Initiative

Minister from the North supports the European Citizens’ Initiative

Пресс-релиз - The president of the Democratic Alliance of the Hungarians in Romania, Hunor Kelemen, and the president of FUEN, Hans Heinrich Hansen came to Kiel, the capital of Schleswig-Holstein for a working visit with the Minister for Justice, Culture and European Affairs, Anke Spoorendonk.

Prime Minister as new founding member of the European citizens’ initiative

Prime Minister as new founding member of the European citizens’ initiative

Пресс-релиз - The European citizens’ initiative for the minorities in Europe has a new founding member. Seven citizens of the European Union, from seven different Member States have to submit the citizens’ initiative to the European Commission.

The minorities in Austria will participate in the European citizens’ initiative

The minorities in Austria will participate in the European citizens’ initiative

Пресс-релиз - The European citizens’ initiative of the minorities in Europe receives wider and wider support. At a meeting with representatives of the ethnic groups in Austria, cooperation was intensified. The meeting was attended by FUEN-President Hans Heinrich Hansen, the Vice-President of the Hungarians in Romania László Borbély and the Director of the Ethnic Group Centre Hubert Mikel (see photo).

Historical compromise between Serbia and Kosovo: trust cannot be ordered by treaty

Historical compromise between Serbia and Kosovo: trust cannot be ordered by treaty

Пресс-релиз - With pleasure and sympathy, FUEN-President Hans Heinrich Hansen and the Vice-President of the Hungarians in Romania (RMDSZ), László Borbély, received the news that the negotiators from Serbia and Kosovo had come to an agreement after tough negotiations and brokered by EU High Representative Lady Ashton

Diplomat as founding member of the European citizens’ initiative of the minorities

Diplomat as founding member of the European citizens’ initiative of the minorities

Пресс-релиз - Good news for the citizens’ initiative of the minorities in Europe, which wants to collect one million signatures for diversity in Europe: Valentin Inzko has declared that he wants to join and work for it as one of the founding members. Valentin Inzko is an Austrian diplomat and a Carinthian Slovene.


  • политической жизни
  • Основные права
  • языковое разнообразие
  • Солидарность с рома/цыганами
  • Европейская гражданская инициатива
  • Eвропейская сеть
  • Форума европейских меньшинств / Дома европейских меньшинств


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