24691 signatures for MSPI handed over in Bulgaria

- Пресс-релиз

On Wednesday, 25th of April 24,691 statements of support for the Minority SafePack Initiative collected in Bulgaria were handed over to the competent national authorities in Sofia. The signatures were presented by FUEN President Loránt Vincze together with MEP and leader of the youth organisation of Movement for Rights and Freedoms (MRF-DPS), Ilhan Kyutchyuk.

“The message of 1,320,000 European citizens is crystal clear: they aim an EU support for the linguistic and cultural diversity. It's particularly valuable that in Bulgaria a youth organisation, the Youth MRF organised the signatures collection campaign. The Minority SafePack initiative is a project especially for the future generations” – said Loránt Vincze following the handover.

After the event the president of the FUEN met the Chairman of MRF, Mustafa Karadaya in the Parliament of Bulgaria to discuss the situation of national minorities in Bulgaria and Romania and the following steps for the MSPI.


  • политической жизни
  • Основные права
  • языковое разнообразие
  • Солидарность с рома/цыганами
  • Европейская гражданская инициатива
  • Eвропейская сеть
  • Форума европейских меньшинств / Дома европейских меньшинств


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