EUROPEADA 2016: The teams have been announced!

- Пресс-релиз - In anticipation of the European football championship of the national minorities

On Monday 14 December 2015 the group draw for the EUROPEADA 2016 took place in the presence of representatives of the associations and team in Bolzano/Bozen, South Tyrol at the Salewa Tower – almost at the same time as the group draw for the UEFA EURO 2016. The following teams will compete next year for the title in South Tyrol from 18 until 26 June 2016:


Group A (Venue: St. Vigil in Enneberg): Ladins, Crimean Tatars, Turkish Minority of Western Thrace, Hungarians in Romania

Group B (Venue: Niederdorf): Roma, Karachay-Balkars, The Romansh, Selection of the minorities in Estonia

Group C (Venue: Ahrntal): Carinthian Slovenes, Lusatian Sorbs, Germans in Denmark, Hungarians in Slovakia

Group D (Venue: Sand in Taufers): Occitans, Danes in Germany, Slovaks in Hungary, Aromanians

Group E (Venue: Olang): South Tyroleans, North Frisians, Germans in Poland, The Manx

Group F (Venue: Pfalzen): Cimbrians, Germans in Russia, Germans in Hungary, Serbs in Croatia



Group A (Venue: Mühlwald): Occitans, South Tyroleans, Lusatian Sorbs

Group B (Venue: St. Martin in Thurn): Germans in Russia, The Romansh, Ladins



After the EUROPEADA was organised in 2008 at the Romansh in Grisons, Switzerland, and in 2012 at the Lusatian Sorbs in Germany, the European football championship of the autochthonous national minorities will take place in South Tyrol in June 2016. In the Pustertal Valley and the Badia Valley for the first time 24 teams will compete for the title; last time there were 19 teams. The championship will take place at the same time as the EURO 2016 of UEFA. The Manx, Hungarians in Slovakia, Hungarians in Romania, Serbs in Croatia and Crimean Tatars will take part for the very first time.

The organiser of the football tournament is the Federal Union of European Nationalities (FUEN). The local hosts are the Ladins and the German-speaking South Tyroleans, who won the EUROPEADA two times.

There is, however, one major difference with the UEFA EURO 2016: for the first time next year, there will be a women’s tournament, too! Like the male teams, also the female teams consist of persons belonging to minorities, who compete against each other in non-professional football. “We are very glad that we have succeeded in having not only a men’s tournament, but also a women’s tournament”, says Susann Schenk, Secretary-General of FUEN.

At the EUROPEADA the living diversity of autochthonous minorities meets – this makes this European football championship a very special and major sportive event. An integral part of the EUROPEADA is also its Cultural Day, where the different minorities present themselves.


The Federal Union of European Nationalities (FUEN)

Did you know that almost every seventh European belongs to an autochthonous minority? FUEN represents the interests of these European minorities on the regional, national and in particular on the European level. With more than 90 member organisations in 33 European countries, FUEN is the largest umbrella organisation of the autochthonous, national minorities in Europe.

FUEN works for the preservation and the promotion of the identity, language, culture, rights and traditions of the European minorities. FUEN is their voice at the international organisations, foremost the European Union and the Council of Europe, but also at the United Nations and the OSCE. FUEN was founded in Paris in 1949 and is currently based in three locations: in Flensburg, Berlin and Brussels.

More information:  

Contact persons:
FUEN: Susann Schenk (Secretary-General), E-Mail:, Telephone: + 49 461 128 55

Local Organisation committee Siegfried Stocker, President +39 0471 966 467

More information:
Press release
Overview teams and games


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